Special Report: You Must Be 18 to Continue Reading, This Page Features Controversial Sexual Health Information & Photos

  Scientists Call This "Nature's Viagra"

100% Drug Free Way To Maximize Your Erections & Supercharge Your Sexual Performance

Highly Effective At 40, 50, 60 or Even 70 Years Old

Men, This Is A Drug Free Way To DIRECTLY Maximize Penis Circulation & Sexual Performance At Any Age, With Any Health Status. This Breakthrough Protocol is NOW Being Released After Years of Research and Development

Here Is What I Will Reveal Below...

  • How To Achieve Rock Hard Erections On Command
  • ​Fully Optimize Your Sperm Quality
  • Reclaim Your "Maximum" Size
  • ​Supercharge Your Desire
  • ​Regain Total Control Over Your Performance

 Warning: You Must Be 18 to Read And View The Intimate Photos Below

This Sexual Weapon Is As Powerful As Viagra With The Safety Of A Baby Aspirin

Great Sex At 50, 60 or Even 70 Years Old Regardless Of Current Health


I will not beat around the bush here, this information is about having the best sex of your life .

This page is about breaking research regarding erection health.

Plus, this is information you have NEVER heard before, yet, it has been heavily clinically studied and compared next to the most powerful sex drugs in the world.

... And it beats the pants off those well known dangerous and expensive pharmaceutical options.

So, Only Read If You Are Over 18 And Comfortable With A Sexual Material. This Report Explains Everything...

If you are a man over 50, what you are about to read can be absolutely life-changing.
... And I know for a fact it will be brand a new solution.

This protocol is BARELY known by anyone outside of medical journals. 

Today, I am reporting BREAKING sexual health information that has never been released publicly .

I am revealing clinical trials that may change the course of male sexual health forever.
For the first time... 

Top US Scientists Have Discovered How To DIRECTLY Enhance Penis Circulation In Just Seconds Per Day...

It is all incredibly simple, inexpensive and does not require expensive doctors visits.

... And you can use it side effect free.

It is a way to naturally supercharge penis circulation at any age (with no heart risks).

This is an "at home" protocol you can easily follow, and the results have been fantastic.

Other men into their 40s, 50s and 60s (and even older) have gotten their "young stud" function back, stunning their partners.

... And it all came down to the research on this page, just below.

But again, this will be like NOTHING you have ever read. 

This Is Your Iron-Clad Approach To Safely And Naturally Boosting Your Sexual Performance -   Reclaim Your Sexual Prime.

Safe & Effective At Any Age (Even With Pre Existing Health Conditions)

And no, this is not hippy-dippy pseudo-science.
What you are about to read is based on decades of powerful clinical research. 

... Research pitted against the most well known sex drugs of our time.

So NO, it is NOT another dangerous and expensive pill or nonsense supplement .

Over the next five minutes , you will learn how you can BOOST your male health and performance.

... And your penis will never be healthier or better functioning.  

Men, this is a SAFE and powerful way to enhance your intimacy on command.

But, before I share everything...

Over The Next Five Minutes

I Am Going To Directly Show You How To Boost Your Erection Health & Reclaim Your Sexual Prime

And Your Current Age Doesn't Matter...

Take a moment, and imagine this.

You wake up and everything about your sexual life is SUDDENLY different.

Your confidence is back in FULL force.


You Will Learn How To Use A Heavily Researched Way To Supercharge Your Sexual Function Without Dangerous Drugs

A Powerful Protocol Your Doctor Tell You About

One that is barely known to the traditional world of medicine.

... One that is backed by years of rigorous testing. 

Plus, you are are a "Man in the Know" before other men even knows this exists.

All of the sudden your sexual prime comes rushing back, even if you are older than 40. 
For the first time in years, you feel you have COMPLETE control of your erection, you are the captain of your own ship when it comes to intimacy.

... And when you need to perform it is ON-COMMAND and healthier, harder and firmer than EVER before, allowing you to please your partner.

During "intimate time" you have your erection as long as you need it and your overall performance and pleasure soar.
... And you aren't required to take a single pill. 

All of this sounds like a pipe dream, right?

Probably WAY too good to be true...

However, THIS REALITY is exactly what others are experiencing (as you will read below).

Other aging men, JUST like you are experiencing the best sex of their lives, bar none.    

These EXACT sexual  benefits have been realized in clinical trials and it ALL has to do with a patented natural compound only found on this page. 

Shortly, I will reveal every single detail. 

But first...

First, Here Is A Little About Me...

My name is Steve Rector and I am 55 years old.

That is why I am so closely connected to the information on this page. 
As a man over 50 I know EXACTLY how important male sexual performance is.

I know what it feels like to constantly fight to keep your confidence and your EDGE.

… And that is why I am not bashful to discuss this sensitive topic.

As men, we NEED to discuss.

We all need a little help. 

However, before we continue... 

I Need To Come Clean About My Dark Past...

Before this I was a health care administrator at the highest level.

My early career was built on what I know call the "dark side" of health care.

Allow me to explain..

I have been a healthcare executive ever since I played Division 1 football in college.  

For years I worked up thru the ranks. 

My specialty was running hospitals for some of the biggest corporations in the world.

My Last Healthcare Role Was CEO Over A Hospital Organization That Produced In Excess Of 1 Billion In Revenue Annually.

And I Was A Part Of The Dark Side Of Medicine

I was naive like most in my profession...

Day in and day out I would see moves made for profit and NOT for patient care.

I would deal with corrupt pharmaceutical companies as they would do anything to boost their shareholder profits even at patient expense. 

Heck, we all saw what happened with oxycontin

... And then again with COVID.

So , I’m sure none of that surprises you.

But, Here Is The Little Known Truth That Shocked Me To My Core...

The Dirty Secret Of Healthcare

You better sit down for this…

Many of my hospitals would host "clinical research" and human clinical studies.

Research scientists would bring us pharmaceuticals and cutting edge natural ingredients and propose human clinical testing after years of laboratory research.

…. And I started to notice an alarming trend.

100% of the time, across all of my positions on the way up....

I Watched Powerful Natural Ingredients (With Flawless Safety & Effectiveness Profiles) Get Denied Further Validation Regardless Of The Clinical Backing. 

Like Clockwork, Natural Solutions Were Swept Under The Rug

... And the similar pharmaceutical got all of the praise. 

I'm talking excellent and safe solutions, Totally shut down

“Lack of efficacy” was noted, 100% of the time.

…. Then one day I dug into one of the many submitted ingredients and found the EXACT OPPOSITE.

Based on international clinical testing the ingredient I was evaluating had enormously valid research, more than pharmaceuticals.
Frankly, it even showed higher effectiveness.

But, it was deemed "Dead on Arrival".

So, I dug further by looking at other "eliminated" trials.

Time after time, it was the same thing .

Clinically valid natural ingredients, killed off, for no reason.
Yet, the pharmaceutical version (with documented side effects) kept going down the process and eventually became expensive drugs. 

…. And then I found the icing on the cake.

The funding source for nearly ALL clinical trials in America track back to money controlled by Big Pharma.

It was then, it all became crystal clear.

We were NOT serving patients, we were serving Big Pharma .

We helped fuel their insane profits by KEEPING competitive natural solutions at bay.

… And that was the beginning of the end for my healthcare career.

Eventually I left my seven figure salary behind, it was dirty money

I Decided To Dedicate My Life To The OTHER SIDE Of Medicine, The Natural Side

I Am Here To Drain The Swamp

I used my vast healthcare knowledge for consumer good.

I Decided To Create A Firm That ONLY Produced And Distributed Powerful Natural Ingredients With Valid Clinical Proof.

… 100% produced in America by the most stringent manufacturing standards in the world.

So, as you read this page, please understand my motivation .

Big Pharma has made BILLIONS from male enhancement , regardless of the side effects.

... And they have suffocated natural solutions that actually work. 

Solutions that can work for men of any age, even with pre existing health conditions.

However, as you will read, I AM BRINGING YOU ANOTHER OPTION .

One that is JUST as effective as "little blue pills" WITHOUT terrible side effects.

... And I can say this

Personally, as a man over 55, this has changed my life.

… By the end of this report I believe you will feel the same.

Now that you know all of that, let’s jump in!

Today I Am Revealing The Real And True "Nature's Viagra"

Big Pharma Has Fought To Keep This Offline

I am about to make a big claim but it is backed by iron clad science.

In fact, what I am revealing is every bit as powerful as Viagra.

On This Page, Over The Next Five Minutes...

I Am Going To Show You How To INCREASE Your Penis Circulation So You Can Achieve Rock Hard Erections On Demand, For Life.

I need to warn you, as an aging male what I am about to reveal may make you angry.

Sexual dysfunction of some levels affects millions of men, and this "hidden solution" has been known since 2003.

... A solution that has "little blue pill" power without side effects.

Heck, as you will read, it actually has additional health benefits.

Plus, the effectiveness is nearly 100%.

Seriously, as you will read below, it has helped a tremendous number of aging men in private trials.

... Which is why Pharma has fought and fought to keep it silenced. 

This Controversial 100% Drug Free Discovery Is A MAJOR THREAT To The Billions They Make Each Year On Sex Pills.

Now, I am NOT ready to share everything just yet, but I will a bit further into this report.
But here is what this is NOT .

It is NOT another natural pill or dangerous drug.

No - this is a brand new ingredient  geared towards addressing the root cause of male dysfunction.

... And it is backed by incredible clinical data which I cover in depth below. 

When you promote penis circulation it can stay strong and active for longer (at any age).

... And the results are incredible
  • More Penis Control, Being Ready When Needed 
  • Thicker, Harder and Healthier Erections
  • ​Staying Erect As Long As It Takes
  • Boosted Sexual Confidence
As you are about to learn, this is a direct way to boost your penis health and supercharge your sex life. 

This will give you control over your intimacy at any age. 

In my opinion, this is the  MOST POTENT  sexual solution ever tested, even over and above pharmaceuticals. 

Interested to hear more?

Ok, let's get into it...

So, What Is The Secret?

Two Potent Compounds Combined Into A Powerful Sexual Weapon

Proven By Undeniable Clinical Science

Potent Compound #1:

Procyanidin, a powerful flavonoid. 

This powerful plant compound is exclusively extracted from the bark of French Maritime pine trees.
It is known to have excellent pharmacological properties, such as antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties.

Properties so powerful it has been used to fight...
  • Alzheimer’s disease 
  • Diabetes
  • ​Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Tumors
  • ​and Obesity
As you will read, it plays a huge role in healthy circulation with is HUGE for men trying to achieve and maintain an erection.

However, it has one major issue which I will discuss in detail below. 

Procyanidin is known to have very low "bioavailability" which means it does not absorb well in humans.

Potent Compound #2:

L-arginine:  It is necessary for making proteins and crucial for healthy circulation.

L-arginine is converted in the body into a chemical called nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow.

L-arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and other "sex boosting" substances in the body.

When Combined, They Supercharge The Male Erection Unlike Anything Else In The World.

  • Enhanced Erection Size (You Perform Better)
  • Increased Stamina (You Perform Longer)
  • Increase Sperm Quality (You Ejaculate More)
  • Increased Desire (You Want It More)

In Unison They Reverse The Root Cause Of Your Male Decline

Allow me to explain...

To get an erection, you need adequate blood flow which requires the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the blood vessels of the penis.

This is where Nitric Oxide (N.O.) comes in...

N.O. triggers this process of relaxation, increasing the blood flow to the penis required for an erection.

Now, here is the catch. 
Special cells named "Endothelial cells" produce enzymes which are REQUIRED for L- Arginine to complete nitric oxide production.

* Now here is the part I need you to read closely (maybe even write it down)

Without healthy endothelial cells you CANNOT and WILL NOT achieve or keep a strong erection.

It is scientifically impossible.

Men, Declining Or Dysfunctional Endothelial Cells Is The Root Cause Of Your Male Decline. 

...And What You Are Reading Is The Solution

... And that is where Procyanidin comes to the rescue.

Procyanidin actively stimulates the release of these endothelial enzymes.

This allows L-Arginine to do its job and produce nitric oxide,

The Result: Men of any age INSTANTLY have sufficient nitric oxide to achieve and maintain a rock hard erection regardless of health condition.

As you will read this combination also signifigantly boosted desire and sperm health.

... And this is NOT just hypothesis, the clinical science is iron clad. 

Clinical Proof All Began With A Groundbreaking 2003 Sexual Study

The study was conducted by the world renowned Seminological Laboratory (SBALAG)

... And published in the  Journal of Marital & Family Therapy.

40 men (ages 45 to 65) with confirmed ED were treated daily with L-arginine and Procyanidin over 90 days while filling out a sexual activity journal.
The results were stunning...

After just 60 days the number of men with restored sexual ability reached 80%.

Finally, after the full 90 days of treatment, 92.5% of the men experienced a normal erection.

Yes! 92.5%, crazy right?

Here is what the researchers stated...

"We Conclude That Oral Administration Of L-Arginine In Combination With Procyanidin Causes A Significant Improvement In Sexual Function In Men With ED Without Any Side Effects"

... And unlike Viagra, this combination ACTUALLY addressed the root cause of ED.

Clinical proof did not end there.

This study sparked several follow up studies.

These Results Were Confirmed With 4 More Robust Clinical Studies

Restored Sexual Function and Sperm Quality

The second clinical study examined 50 middle-aged men with low testosterone levels who suffered from ED.

Men were given 3g L-Arginine and 120 mg Procyanidin over a period of 11 months.

76% Of Men Achieved Normal Sexual Function And This Effect Was Sustained During The Entire Treatment Period.

The researchers Also found that this treatment improved sperm quality and quantity at the end of the 1-year treatment and an incredible 40% achieved fertilisation.

Restored Sexual Function and Sperm Quality

The third study evaluated the effects of Procyanidin and L-Arginine on sperm cells in 50 middle-aged men diagnosed with infertility.

Investigators found improvement of sperm quality in all participants.

Study Results Confirmed That This Treatment Improved Sperm Parameters In Men With Infertility.

Intercourse Frequency Doubled After 30 Days

The fourth clinical study examined 50 middle-aged men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction who were treated for one month with placebo or with Procyanidin and L-Arginine. Study participants recorded their sexual function/dysfunction in diaries.

Treatment With Procyanidin And L-Arginine For One Month Restored Erectile Function To Normal, And Intercourse Frequency Doubled. 

Infertility Was Even Fully Reversed

The fifth clinical study examined 50 infertile men who were treated for one month with placebo or Procyanidin and L-Arginine.

Investigators tested semen samples at four-week intervals and found that treatment with this formula significantly increased semen volume, concentration of sperm cells, percentage of motile sperm cells, and percentage of sperm cells with normal morphology compared with placebo treatment.

Intake Of Procyanidin And L-Arginine For One Month Restored The Fertility Index To Normal Values.

After treatment, the fertility index decreased again to infertile status.

No adverse events were reported.

Men, This is The Power Of Viagra Without a Single Reported Side Effect

And It Can Be Used At Any Age With Any Health Status

By now, I'm sure you will agree.

This is a male sexual health breakthrough. 

A Natural Solution That Addresses The Root Cause Of Male Dysfunction (Better Than Pills) Without A Single Side Effect.

Yes! You Can Even Use With An Existing Heart Condition

Heck, unlike sex pharmaceuticals which are known to be terrible on the heart this combination was shown to have additional benefits such as.
  • Increased Brain Circulation 
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • ​And Lower Instance of Type 2 Diabetes
Men were getting HEALTHIER as they were having the best sex of their lives.

As you can imagine, the medical media went wild.

These Results Were Widely Reported In Medical News Publications...

However, As You Know, This Solution Was Fully Suppressed By Mainstream Media

... Which is why you haven't heard about it until today

Why? Well, I will let you make up your own mind.

The reasons is clear as day to me.  
The same major equity players that own a huge stake in Pharma, also own most of our media conglomerates.

... Or own enough to have a major say.

How do you think pharmaceutical advertising became legal in the first place?

Just like we say during COVID, natural solutions get suppressed or destroyed by fake news.
... And that is what happened here.

There is no denying that sexual dysfunction is a HUGE issue that affects millions of aging men.

... And there is no denying that Pharma makes billions a year serving this issue with dangerous and expensive pills and protocols.

Big Pharma Is Motivated By Several Billion Reasons To Suppress A Male Sexual Solution Of This Power And Effectiveness

They Ensured This Information Never Saw The Light Of Day

... And they locked it down so YOU never heard about it until today.

Well, that just added to my motivation.

I became focused on publicizing THIS information and distributing a safe solution public for aging men (like me) who are suffering in silence.

However, I had to overcome a huge road block in my path. 

There Was A Major Obstacle...

The Human Digestive System Totally Destroys Procyanidin In Pill Form

Remember, above, I mentioned a major issue.

Well, here we go...

If you search for Procyanidin you will be inundated with pill options.

... And that his how you get setup for failure.

As noted above the active ingredient of Procyanidin is a very fragile flavonoid named Procyanidin and it will NOT survive your digestive system.

Frankly, they are rendered totally useless in seconds.

The circulation benefit evaporates and you are left flaccid and frustrated.

Which begs the question...

How Were The Clinical Trials So Effective?

Great question!

Well, as I explained above, I know clinical testing well.
... And they do not use store bought pills.

They either use pharmaceutical grade powders to be turned into liquids (which you can't buy) or they use an IV version to control test dosages.

Again, these are versions are not accessible without a medical license.

I was so close...
I knew procyanidin and l arginine was highly effective, I just need to find a version that would work like the clinical setting.

These caused me to narrow my focus.

My Mission Was Clear, I Needed To Locate A Highly Absorbing Liquid Procyanidin

Again, the science was staring me in the face.

A game changing solution was so close...

However, I needed to find a version that could survive or bypass the digestive tract.

I Needed To Find A "Highly Absorbing" Version That Could Replicate The Sexual Results I Found In Private Trials.

This started a full fledged search for the FUTURE of this raw ingredient.

This search led me to medical scientist Clint Winters and his invention, Androcyn™.

I will let him explain his discovery in his own words.

Introducing Androcyn™ Developed By One Of The Most Renowned Medical Scientists Of Our Time...

Hi, my name is Clint Winters and I have been a medical scientist since 2010. 

Today I am known as an expert in the science of aging and human performance.

If you don’t know me chances are you know my work. 

My scientific career rose to prominence when I discovered, researched and invented the first natural conolidine pain relieving ingredient, Conolidine.
As you may know by now, conolidine has the changed the world.

I also invented the “dual polar” extraction method which extracts and concentrates active ingredients from raw plant matter.

To date, over 5 million supplements have been produced with this technology.

Before that I specialized in non thermal FAR Infrared for circulation enhancement.

This technology is now used in therapeutic devices and sports apparel.
I have dedicated my life to finding the most powerful natural ingredients in the work and supercharging their effectiveness by enhancing human absorption

Here is what I do...

I Identify Powerful Natural Ingredients With Pharmaceutical Level Effectiveness And Then I Develop The Most Potent Sublingual Version Available In The World.

I am able to accomplish this with my proprietary extraction methods.

… And that is what led to the ingredient you will find on this page.

Male sexual health has always been on my radar.

Firstly, I'm 42 and constantly looking for an edge (my private story is below).

Aging men are CONSTANTLY looking for a solution and CONSTANTLY being drawn into dangerous drugs.

…. Or they fall victim to scam supplements that litter the internet. 

Like Steve, I had heavily studied the effects of procyanidin and L arginine. 

He is 100% correct, the clinical research was simply astounding.

However, I knew a simple problem would persist - human absorption.

The general supplement market would never (and can't legally) distribute the type of ingredients used during testing.

… And that became my mission.

I used my technology to create the most powerful procyanidin and L arginine ingredient in history. 

An ingredient that is backed by life changing science. 

I call this ingredient Androcyn.

Androcyn™ Is A Highly Concentrated Liquid compound Designed to Absorb Quickly And Deliver Maximum Sexual Benefit

Now, as you have read, the sexual science is iron clad.

The sexual benefits of combining Procyanidin and l-arginine are UNDISPUTABLE. 
However, this section is not about the science of the ingredients... it is about creating the MOST POTENT version of the ingredients possible.

An amazing combination, even as powerful as Procyanidin and l-arginine, is only good if it can be absorbed by the body.

Right? If not, it is worthless.

Well, as you now know the  pills and tablets currently sold have terrible absorption rates.
Many times the body barely receives any sexual benefit at all.

... And that is why the science behind Androcyn™ is so powerful. 

Point Blank, Proprietary Androcyn™ Is The Most Potent Form Of Procyanidin And L-Arginine In The World.

Liquified, concentrated and turned inot a SINGLE powerful ingredient which enhanced bioavaility technology.

It is far more potent and absorbs with more efficiency than any standard powder or pilled supplement.

But, I want to do more than say this. 

I want to explain this science ever further.

Here Is The Cutting Edge Science of Androcyn™

Firstly, Androcyn™ has been developed as a heavily concentrated Procyanidin and l-arginine based liquid that is meant to be supplemented daily.

It is full of highly absorbing, sex-supporting compounds. 

Plus, it has been maximized for dramatically increased bioavailability , allowing it to provide faster sexual health support. 

Here Is Why It is So Powerful

First, Androcyn™ features third-party verified raw ingredients that are processed through a proprietary natural extraction process named DualPolar™ Extraction.

This process creates a full spectrum extraction of both compounds , concentrating and isolating all of the male-boosting active ingredients.
This process turns raw Procyanidin and l-arginine into a highly concentrated, nutrient-rich liquid that is ready to provide incredible benefits. 

However, that is just the beginning.. .

Second, this liquid is then enhanced with my SubNano™ bioavailability optimizer. 

The proprietary process takes the finished extracted liquid and combines it with specific oils and nutrients designed to supercharge the body's ability to absorb.
It does this by aiding the cellular absorption process allowing for accelerated benefit. 

In A Nutshell, Androcyn™ Is A HIGHLY Concentrated Form Of Liquid Procyanidin And L-Arginine That Has Been Refined And Formulated For Maximize Sexual Benefit. 

This is a sexually enhancing nutraceutical that is more powerful than anything else in the world. 

Plus, I did one last thing to set it apart even further.

Androcyn™ Is Further Enhanced With
Circulation Boosting Vitamin B3

As you know the scientific CRUX of highly concentrated Androcyn™ is increased penis circulation.
Combining Procyanidin and l-arginine is a powerful way to stimulate nitric oxide (the miracle molecule) designed to gently increase blood flow at any age.

It is amazing for ANYTHING that needs enhanced circulation including your brain, heart and of course penis erection quality.

However, I wanted to push the results EVEN further.
I wanted to ENHANCE Androcyn™ past the current science into something TRULY groundbreaking.

So, after substantial research, I added extracted and concentrated Vitamin B3, also known as niacin.

It was extracted and concentrated using my same dual polar process. 

This was a game changer.

Vitamin B3 Has Been Shown To Decrease Inflammation, Repair DNA And Release Prostaglandins Which Are Natural Chemicals That Help Your Blood Vessels Widen.

Yes! Further Enhanced Erections

... EVEN more erection support.

Plus, niacin has shown the ability to promote healthy blood pressure and even regulate the stress and sex hormones you need during sex.

Androcyn™ was already a BEAST of a sexual vehicle, Vitamin B3 is the supercharger that brings it to UNMATCHED levels. 

With this addition, Androcyn™ is simple UNMATCHED.

Net Result, A 100% Drug-Free Sexual Enhancement Supplement

Powerful Benefits Without Side Effects

Let's face it, sexual boosters are not known for their safety.

Prescription pills are even worse.

In fact, many popular sex pills like Viagra are linked to serious heart side effects. 

You can't even use them if you have any history of heart issues

These are NOT issues to take lightly. 

With Androcyn™ You Can Now Have The Confidence Of Restoring Your Sexual Function Without Risking Serious Side Effects And Interrupting Natural Hormone Balance 

As we mentioned above, clinical studies have shown that men who use sexual enhancing prescriptions increase their risk of death. 

Conversely I developed Androcyn™ to be 100% safe.

It ONLY contains ingredients that are known to be safe and effective.

After years of testing it has not been linked to any side effects. 

Now, I'm sure you have some questions.

I went ahead and compiled the most common questions I get about Androcyn™...

Most Common Androcyn™ Questions

I hope this answers your most pressing questions.

Now, I am going to hand it back to Steve so he can explain how he brought Androcyn™ to life.

Finally, it is about to be available to men all over the world. 

My Team Worked Directly With Clint To Develop Androcyn™ For Global Distribution

Truly Novel and Fully Backed By Science

As I'm sure you will agree, Androcyn™ is really innovative. 

Now, here is where things get truly exciting. 

I will be the first to admit, in the world of health, there is not much that is TRULY new.

In the world of sexual innovation, new solutions are even fewer and farther between. 

New research emerges from time to time, but a TOTALLY new ingredient is very rare.

Something as proprietary as Androcyn™  is even more rare. 

... And it works beyond all expectations. 

Plus, you are learning about it before anyone. 
This is a brand new science , yielding incredible sexual results.

This breakthrough  is gaining tremendous momentum. 

... And it is SO simple, you can easily do this in privacy and no one will know (not even your partner).

Once available, it will give you a way to support your sexual health right from the privacy of their home.
A private solution that is not embarrassing like going to a pharmacy or going to the doctor. 

... And that is why my team and I worked so hard to bring this to life

My Laboratory Production Team Worked With Clint To Bring Androcyn™ Out Of The Lab And Into Full Scale Consumer Production

Today, you are a few years ahead of the curve. 

You are about to access a simple, drug-free protocol, that will change EVERYTHING about your sex life. 

Your sex life could be days away from rushing back.

... And it only requires an investment of a very simple seconds per day. 

Think about how your life could be different. 

Imagine What This Means For You

Meet Your New Sexual Secret Weapon

Think about it, this could solve everything for your declining performance.

You could bring it back...

You are reading about a drug-free way to support your penis health , DIRECTLY.
Imagine waking up with MORE confidence in your sexual ability.  

When the time comes you know your penis is healthy, rigid and ready for action, nearly on COMMAND. 

Plus your erection will be bigger, and healthier than ever.

... You now have a SECRET!
NOW you have way more control than you did previously.

Androcyn™ Will Allow You To Control & Dominate The Entire Sexual Experience With Maximum Confidence

Imagine, all of these benefits in just seconds per day, without a single drug (or side effect).

Best of all, this is not a pipe dream, this is a protocol that is 100% backed by science.

Past science it is backed by real word testing involving thousands of aging men.

Here are some incredible results. 

Since 2018, Androcyn™ Has Been Clinically Tested With Over 15,000 Aging Men Just Like You

With A Documented 94% Success Rate

Yes! Androcyn™ gave 94% of men far improved sexual function.

Androcyn™ testing has been nothing short of miraculous. 

... And the results are not isolated in medical journals.

Once the Androcyn™ formula was finalized we moved to private, real world testing.

We wanted to see how Androcyn™ benefited aging males with dwindling sexual performance.

We tested it on guys just like you and me. 

For Five Years We Have Privately Tested Androcyn™ With Over 15,000 Aging Men And The Results Have Been Explosive

We have received feedback from thousands of men who have experienced life changing results with Androcyn™. 

Men who are now experiencing the best sex of their lives. 

Below you can read a few of the incredible stories. 

Disclaimer: We Used Stock Images With Real Stories For Reasons Of Privacy

I started using Androcyn around a month or so ago. What a complete difference maker in my sex life. I had no idea it would help me in the bedroom so effectively. I will be ordering months supply for sure. Thank you for your support
Joseph Alan Fox
I started on Androcyn about 30 days back. This stuff is no joke. I have noticed an energy & Libido improvement within the first week. I am just about out of the product and will re-order shortly. I love it & normally it takes several weeks for me to be impressed or happy with a new product but this one hit me early as something I wanted. to continue and see how much more improvement I can achieve.
Allen Rodgers
Hi Friends! Just a quick no nonsense endorsement of the Androcyn supplement. I have been taking it sublingually for nearly 3 weeks and the results are beyond my expectations. I am a 65 year old male, who has been an exercise enthusiast for nearly 15 years. But due to my age limit I have had lots of trouble keeping my sexual performance. Surprisingly, I am now showing a renewed vigor and increased stamina. My wife really notices the difference. What a welcomed benefit from a supplement that I was very skeptical of taking just 3 weeks ago. I strongly recommend it!
Carl D Higgins
I have been taking Androcyn for about two months now and I have to say I wake hard as a rock every morning. I haven't experienced that in years. Plus, any time my wife wants sex I AM READY! I feel freaking great. I definitely recommend Androcyn to any man who wants/needs a boost!

Mike Williams

Verified User

I have been very skeptical of so many supplements, especially with sexual promises. Even with "money back" guarantees, most are total rubbish. Honestly, I WILL never send Androcyn back! I have really noticed it working for me as a man. FINALLY. So happy to be using this product (and so is may wife, HA!)

John Martin

Verified User

WOW !!! I'm 80 and HAVING SEX AGAIN. After a mouthful of Androcyn 80+ year clock is wound back by an ASTONISHING 60 years. My wife is shocked!! Never would have thought it possible !!THANK YOU CLINT

Steven J Stout

Verified User

I started using the CONOCB2 for some lower back pain and it worked so well that I tried Androcyn for sex. Well, I am very, very satisfied with the results. My "youthful" erections are back in full force. I just started utilizing NUTRA IGF and can’t wait to see the results.

David Payer

Verified User

Hello, I have been using the products for a little over two years. I found the advertisement for the company while looking for relief for chronic pain in my lower back. The first product I ordered was Conolidine 1. I am still use it daily, along with Androcyn for my sex drive. It is safe to say that I believe in the products that are sold from GDR Labs! Customer service has always been very helpful and quick to respond with any questions or concerns I have had and shipping has always been on time and spot on with no issues! If you are looking for a company to check out and start using the product that they make you will not find one in the US or any other country that puts you as a customer first! You don't have to take my word for it, try them out yourself you will not be disappointed! P. K.

Paul W King

Verified User

As A 55 Year old man These Success Stories Hit Me Hard...

Like I said above, I am personally 55 years old.

Yes, I am healthy and active but I fully understand the embarrassment of sexual decline. 

I've been affected like everyone else my age.

... And that is why I personally swear by Androcyn™.

Frankly, reading the other stories really hit me.

As a man I also know this is a tough subject to discuss.

Being honest about decline is a very scary endeavor.

... But hearing men come back from the pits of "male depression" to their sexual prime is motivating.

Lives are changing

Men are regaining their control of the bedroom

... And relationships have never been stronger.

Frankly, that is the entire point of Androcyn™ - Giving men control over their sexual destiny.

With these results we took another huge step.

We put Androcyn™ along side the most powerful sexual solutions in the world. 

For The Past 12 Months It Was Tested In High End Sexual Health Clinics

With Simply Incredible Results

This is how I got Androcyn™ in the door.

With a career in healthcare I already knew the big players. 

I offered Androcyn™ as a drug free way to enhance sexual therapy, a true value add for these high priced clinics who were turning men away (along with revenue). 

Personally, I could not wait to see the results. 

I worked with some of the biggest facilities in the world to test the effects of daily Androcyn™ along with weekly synthetic injections and other methods. 

… And the results were incredible.

Even For Men On Full Blown Sexual Therapy

Daily Androcyn™ Significantly Enhanced Sexual Performance Without Additional Side Effects

It was really and truly like a sexual supercharger for men.

Pretty cool, right?

Well, this is the point where I knew we had enough data.

Androcyn™ is simply life changing for men.

… And after 5 years of development it is finally being released to the world.  

World Exclusive

GDR Labs™ Is Exclusively Distributing Androcyn™ Worldwide.

No Prescription Needed

I am really proud to make this official. 

Game Day Ready™ (GDR Labs™)  is the EXCLUSIVE global manufacturer of Androcyn™. 

We are releasing it as Androcyn™ .

Clint only trusts his patented formulas with one company in the world and this is   GDR Labs™.
Why? Our Reputation for quality American manufacturing Is Second To None .

We are leaders in 100% drug free human optimization working with some of the largest sports brands and athletes in history. 

They are known to meet and exceed the most rigorous testing guidelines set forth by professional athletes.
When an athlete is being paid millions they cannot afford to ingest a "dirty" supplement.

... And thousands of athletes GDR Labs™  due to unapologetic quality and processes. 

We Are Trusted And Respected By The World Elite And EXACTLY The Right Fit To Manufacture The Most Powerful Sexual Solution In History. 

We do not offer a huge line of products because we  ONLY manufacture formulas that have tedious testing and clinical research.

Point blank, we ONLY produce products that we know will work and make an impact on your daily life.
... And that is why I am so excited about Androcyn™. 

When it comes to natural sexual support, nothing is stronger than Androcyn™

From years of internal testing to global distribution, Androcyn™ will be a game changer. 

... And every bottle will be made in our GDR private laboratory, located right in Atlanta, GA. 

You will never find Androcyn™  on any third party website or a marketplace like Amazon.
I will fully explain why below. 

...And it can't be found in retail stores without the GDR Labs™ logo. 

Androcyn™ can only be produced by GDR Labs™, we are the sole source. 

Androcyn™ is natural sexual support unlike anything that has ever been offered publicly.

... And every bottle is made with quality that is truly second to none.

In fact...

Androcyn™ Is 100% American Made Right In Our Atlanta, GA Laboratory

Our commitment to 100% American manufacturing is unwavering.

A to Z, Every aspect of operations is handled in Atlanta, GA. 

Our manufacturing operations are second to none. 

I know this... You have never experienced such supplement freshness.

In fact, our production process is exclusive to the world.

Allow me to Introduce PureDemand  manufacturing, a process that is exclusive to GDR Labs™. 
Before I begin, I need to admit - this section is  very  important to me.

Under my leadership GDR Labs™ is deeply committed to America and the value of 100% American manufacturing.

I have personally seen far too many companies "cost cut" by contracting overseas manufacturers while side stepping regulation and American jobs.

... And the quality suffers.
When it comes to GDR Labs™ we do things differently. 

In fact, we deploy a unique manufacturing process named PureDemand™  which is a cutting edge supplement development process.  

If there is any manufacturing  “SECRET”  behind Androcyn™, the sustained quality and freshness would be it.

We only believes in creating formulas in the  most natural and pure state possible

... And here is how we achieve that. 
  • Every Bottle Is 100% American Made From Sourcing to Shipping
  • ​Your Order Is Made For You, When You Order (Like Fresh Food)
  • ​No Preservatives Used
  • ​No Outsourced Labor
All products are made in real time, just like fresh food. 

All of our formulas are crafted by hand in their GMP-audited laboratory which is held to the  highest production standards in the world. 

You will never wonder if your supplement is two days old or two years old.

You never have to worry about it sitting in some hot warehouse for a year (degrading) before it gets to you. 

The PureDemand™ Manufacturing Process Ensures You Receive The Highest Quality Androcyn™  Possible Much Like It Was Made By A Private Chef.  

This type of freshness is NOT available from any other company in the world. 

In fact, this type of CONTROL over freshness is also unheard of. 

Our cutting-edge production practices are why GDR Labs™ is a world leader in the natural health industry.

No other company in the world can FULLY guarantee this type of freshness, quality and testing year round. 

However, there is also another very IMPORTANT innovation you will enjoy...

Ease of use!

Androcyn™ Is Can Be Used In Less Than 60 Seconds Per Day

No Needles and No Doctors Visits

  •  Only Takes Seconds to Use Daily
  •  ​Absorbs Under The Tongue
  • ​ Enhanced Bioavailability for Faster Results 
  •  Natural Strawberry Flavor

Sexual Benefits In Minutes (No Pills)

Androcyn™ is so simple to supplement daily. This easy to use formula is absorbed under the tongue in just seconds every morning. Within minutes Androcyn™ will be absorbed and ready for major sexual impact. You will be at the ready. 
Here is one of the best parts, Androcyn™ is VERY easy to use daily.

In fact,  it will take you less than a minute every morning.

Androcyn™ is a liquid formula that has been designed to consume only once daily.
Once taken the liquid formula will absorb quickly so it can get to work helping you feel better than ever. 

The process is simple, all you do is take the dosage listed on the label. 

Androcyn™ is an easy to consume liquid. 

You place it directly under your tongue and then simply swallow after letting it sit for a few seconds.
After you take Androcyn™  you will notice that in as little as 15 minutes you will feel the difference as your male energy begins to surge.

Based On Testing Results As Each Day Goes By Your Erections Will Be Healthier As Your Blood Flows More & More Freely

After one serving you will understand why tens of thousands start their day with Androcyn™. 

With that said, there is one thing you need to know...

Full Disclosure...

Androcyn™ Is Only Meant For Those That Are Looking To Be Highly Sexually Active

I don't say this a joke, I am dead serious about this. 

Androcyn™ is highly effective.
But, if Androcyn™ has any drawback it is it's inability to gently provide support.

It is really and truly all or nothing. 

It is designed to increase blood flow to your penis and supercharge erections and that is exactly what it is going to do for you.

... The benefits keep building as time goes on.
Soon you will have high quality erections more often than when you were young. 

With that known, Androcyn™ is only meant for those that are preparing to be highly sexually active.

Here Is A Word Of Caution...

Warning: This Type Of Constant Erection Quality Without Sexual Activity Will Become Downright Uncomfortable.

.... We have also heard from upset wives.

Wives that did not realize "activity" was about to increase significantly.

So, with that known, make sure you make your spouse aware of what is coming.

Overall, make sure you are OK with sexual activity increasing as your body will need to do something with your new found erection strength.

You don't want to go back to the days of puberty where you were "ready to go" and no where to use it.

Ok, that is out of the way.

Now, to the fun part, how it feels to use Androcyn™ daily...

Androcyn™ Empowers You To Wake Up Daily With "Barely Legal" Sexual Benefits

Even At 50, 60 or 70 Years Old

Just imagine this for a moment:

Instead of waking up feeling tired, you SPRING out of bed ready for the day .

Your energy is supercharged INSTANTLY , male confidence surging, you are immediately ready to take on the day.

Your morning routine flies by as you knock out your rituals without any "sluggishness".

You are focused and driven like you were when you were in your thirties and forties. 

That is how it feels to be back in your sexual prime. 
Frankly, sexual confidence changes everything. 

If you work, you have the confidence that you will dominate the day. 

If you are retired, you KNOW you will be the most confident in your friend group. 

... Always ready for new and exciting experiences. 

Whenever your partner is ready, you're able to always perform at your best. 
People will begin to whisper.

Something has changed in you. 

Your youthful confidence is back. 

Your sex life comes back with a vengeance and you will perform at the top of your game. 

Out of nowhere your body is functioning like you are years younger.

Androcyn™ Is Your Unfair Sexual Advantage

While Other Men Fear The Bedroom, You Will Dominate It Like A Young Stud Again...

This is your way back to your male prime.

In fact, TODAY could be your NEW prime.

... Sex is likely to be better than ever as your combine experience with "physical ability". 
Now, I'm sure all of this sounds TOO GOOD to be true, right.

NO WAY this is possible.

Well, that is where you are wrong.

The science reads true, you have read it.

Getting back to your prime is  VERY possible and happening to others as you read this. 

That is why Androcyn™ is considered an "unfair advantage".

Male lives are changing as you read this. 
As a man, this could be your NEW SEXUAL CHAPTER in life.

So, are you ready?

... And after years of development you are gaining access to this powerful substance. 

Without a moment's delay...

Androcyn™ Is Set For A Global Retail Release in The Coming Months...

It Will Be Sold To Men All Over The World

The global release is coming.

Androcyn™ is only months away from being sold to men all over the world. 

With all of the clinical research building there is HUGE consumer anticipation.

Let's Face It, The Power Of Increased Male Sexual Performance Will Be Life Changing For Millions Of Aging Men

It is finally time to make Androcyn™ public. 

Soon, it will be available all over the world. 
As you can see, we really took time for development.

We gathered incredible scientific data spanning decades.

I private use tested for nearly five years gathering thousands of use cases without a single side effect.

... And every bottle is 100% American made in Atlanta, Georgia.

It Is Official: The Most Powerful Sexual Enhancer In The World Is Ready To Go To The Public Market 

Global Distribution Is Coming

Androcyn™ will go to market in a big way. 

Right now global distribution is being organized with a target date of second or third quarter 2023.

Once launched, it will be sold all over the world for $120 a bottle.

This is a very fair price considering the EXTENSIVE science behind Androcyn™ and the exclusive nature of the product.

Heck, this is WAY less expensive than many "Natural" boosters which do not have near the clinical support of Androcyn™. 

... Or years of private clinical testing

Just look at some of these prices I found after a quick search. 

Crazy, right?

Again, these don't have any scientific backed.

Plus, they are all mass produced (god knows where).

Remember, Androcyn™ is the most tested male sexual solution in history. 

Frankly, it is more effective than what you could get at a high end sexual clinic. 

... On that note here is the best part

Androcyn™ Is 1/10 The Cost Of "In Clinic" Sexual Treatments

And All Associated Doctors Visits

As we have established, "In Clinic" sexual therapy is all the rage for wealthy men to improve their sex lives during their golden years. 

These treatments range from weekly shots to medical device therapy. 

... And, frankly, the solutions are  POWERFUL.

But, they are INCREDIBLY expensive which is why it is normally reserved for the rich and elite.

However, let me go over just HOW expensive.

Firstly, in clinic sexual treatments are prescription only so you will need to find a "sexual health" clinic, then the costs start to build.

... And they keep building each month. 

Here is what I found...

  • The initial consult normally costs roughly $500
  • Monthly treatments costs between $900 and $3,000 depending on how much you need and what you choose.
  • Monthly Doctor monitoring with is $300 to $500

The National Average Is Roughly $1,500 Per Month With All Costs Included 

... And in some areas of the country this is much higher (Like LA or New York).

$1500 is a high end car or mortgage payment EVERY SINGLE MONTH, on average. 

However, some men have spent as much as $30,000 a month on "designer" variations of therapy.

This is why "sexual therapy" doctors are striking it rich all over the United States. 

Crazy, right?
When you consider these stats   $120 per 30 day bottle is an INCREDIBLE value.

Remember, Androcyn™ has been highly tested just like these therapies , just derived from a natural source.

... And it can be taken orally.

No side effect, No stomach shots and No expensive doctors visits. 

Even with all of that... 

At $120 Per Bottle I Know Many Cannot Afford Androcyn™

 So I Am Activating A Huge Discount Just Below

... A discount that can only be found on this page.

Now, to be clear, I am founder and CEO of GDR Labs™.

I am incentivized by seeing the widespread use of this amazing formula over the years to come. 

I Want To See It Help Millions Of Men, Like It Has Helped Me Those In Our Private Test Groups. 

... And, I know this. 

Many American men (who need testosterone support) cannot afford $120 or more per bottle  regardless of the value. 

However, our GDR Labs™ price is not changing. 

As you know, retail distribution is expensive and GDR Labs™ is a global brand. 

We have worked hard to have huge partnerships with some of the biggest athletes and athletic organizations in the world.
Not to mention the large percentage that is desired by our global distribution partners.

... And we can't forget our commitment to American manufacturing.  

We are unwavering but the production costs are significantly higher than those companies that cut corners over seas.

... All of those fees are built into the $120 price point.

Now, let me be clear - Androcyn™ is worth every bit of the $120 price point (maybe even 2X). 

How much would a restored sex life be worth to you. 

However, on this private page , you won't pay $120.

...  On this page, you are bypassing all of the EXTRA fees.

I Am Giving You Limited Time "Direct From The Manufacture" Pricing
(On This Private Page). 

Each bottle shipped right from the lab directly to you at much lower cost.   

YES! You are about to gain access to Androcyn™  before the rest of the world at an unheard of discount.

... Cool, right?

Ok, allow me to explain

Do Not Leave This Page

I Am Personally Giving You A Huge Discount To Try Androcyn™ For Pennies On The Dollar

How would you like to gain access to Androcyn™ and save a tremendous amount of money?

What if I gave you the same huge discount given to global distributors that are buying thousands of bottles at a time?

Remember, Androcyn™ Is Not Yet Available Anywhere Else In The World And It Is Only Produced By GDR Labs™

... So you will also be one of the first to try this amazing formula outside of private testing. 
Right now, this powerful ingredient is a ghost.

You can’t find it because it does not exist on the market in any retail capacity. 

… And that is why you are getting such a rare opportunity.

Right now you can try Androcyn™  before the world knows it even exists. 

Heck, you will be one of the first to try natural plant-based testosterone outside of private tests

Exciting, right?

Until Midnight I Am Activating A $73 Store Credit So You Can Try Androcyn™ For Just $120 $47

Try For Less Than $2 Per Day

Allow me tackle the first question. 

Why the 60 minute time? Because of the Incredible Demand.

There Are Over 300,000 Reading This Page Right Now And This Product Already Has Huge Anticipation

The word of sexual support is spreading like wild fire inside of the GDR Labs™ customer circles.

They have heard the rumors about Androcyn™.

Due to demand I can only offer a limited number of highly discounted bottles. 

Sadly, this page is set to go offline at midnight.

So, Let’s Jump Right In...

  • Cost Of In Clinic Sexual Therapy: $1,200+
  • Global MSRP of Androcyn™: $120
  • Suggested Internet Pricing: $97

Your 60 Minute Discounted Price: $47

This is a full 30 day bottle for only $47.

You save $73 off MSRP while stock remains (on this page only).

This is HUGE savings, this is the same price that global distributors pay if they commit to buying thousands of bottles per month.

In some cases, over 1 million bottles per year.

... And you are getting the SAME price for one bottle.  

On top of all of that I am giving you  FREE shipping anywhere in the world.

No strings attached, this is a one time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the redemption process is very simple.

Takes less than five minutes (just below)...

Once Finished, You Will Have Locked In One Of The First Bottles Of Androcyn™ Offered Anywhere In The World For Factory Direct Pricing. 

You are really and truly part of natural health history.

Plus, I can say this with ease...

For $47 you will not find a more potent sexual enhancer in the world.

Androcyn™ is hands down the most exciting product released in a long time. 

Click Here To Try Androcyn™ For Less Than $2 Per DAyPlus Free Shipping & Free $50 Gift Card

No Thanks! I Would Rather Suffer Sexually

On This Page You Are Paying Less Than $2 Per Day For Top Tier Sexual Support

Only .96 Per Daily Dose

Androcyn™ will cost you $1.56 per day.

Let that sink in.

$1.56 per day is less than a cup of coffee. WAY LESS
In fact, it is less than many things you spend money on daily.

… And none of those have the huge potential of powerful male support like Androcyn™. 

For less than $2 per day you could feel 10 years younger in just 30 days. 

You finally have a way to fight testosterone decline, getting back into your prime. 
Let’s be real - this would enable you to get back to enjoying life.

Your best years may STILL be ahead.

... And there are ways to INCREASE your savings.

You Can Save As Much As $546 On Androcyn™ (While In Stock)

… And I will still have it shipped FREE directly from GDR Labs™.  

Here is how…

Some of you reading this have been using GDR Labs™ for a long time and you know our formulas are world leaders.

Or maybe you were even a part of the initial Androcyn™ private testing.

With that known Androcyn™ is a daily use product and you won't want to run out. 

You can save EVEN more by purchasing additional bottles (at no additional risk). 

In fact, I will allow you to purchase up to 6 bottles at this promotional pricing allowing that we have the stock available. 

As you know, you will pay $47 for one bottle (You Save $73)

However, if you purchase 3 bottles you will save $243

… And if you purchase 6 bottles you will save an astounding $546

Save $73

Buy 1 Bottle
Retail Price: $120
You Save: $73

Best value!
SAVE $546
FREE Shipping

Buy 6 Bottles
Retail Price: $720
You Save: $546

Save $243

Buy 3 Bottles
Retail Price: $360
You Save: $243
Why would you buy that many? Androcyn™ is a daily use product, you do not want to run out. 

Again, these are the same bottles you would buy from a high end retailer at $120 each.

... And you would never want to risk needing when when were are temporarily out of stock due to demand.

As you know this happens due to our small batch manufacturing method. 

Today's bottles are shipped directly from GDR Labs™ to your door for no charge. 

No strings attached, this is a one-time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the redemption process is very simple , it takes less than 5 minutes. 

No hoops to jump through. 

At The Bottom Of This Page, You Will Find A Secure Order Form That Takes Only Minutes To Complete

Once finished, you will have locked in one of the first bottles of Androcyn™ offered anywhere in the world.

I can say this with ease.

For $47 you will not find a more sexual solution , it does not exist. 

Frankly, nothing else begins to compare. 

…. And I still have a huge surprise. 

Upon Purchase Of Androcyn™, I Will Give You a $50 GDR Labs™ Gift Card Towards Any Product, Store Wide

YES! Even our global best sellers

This is huge!
As you now know, GDRLabs™ produces some of the most powerful and effective supplements in the world.

You most likely use one or two of them already.

Many private formulas developed solely for aging professional athletes who are looking to regain an edge without side effects. 

Powerful Innovations Such As...

  • Conolidine  Pain Relief
  • Nutra IGF™  Natural HGH
  • PhytoTest™ Natural Testosterone
  • ​Sirtuin™  "Youth Gene Activation"
  • Liponine™  Blood Sugar Management
  • Carditrol™  Heart Tissue Regrowth. 
  • Wearable FAR Infrared for Pain Relief
  • Clinically Proven Sexual Support
  • ​Patented Skin Creams for Fighting Age
  • ​Plus Much More In Development
Just like Androcyn™ Each bottle is manufactured using the highest quality protocols in the world, 100% American made. 

… Just imagine what any one of these products could do for your daily life.

As soon as you complete your Androcyn™ purchase I  will activate a $50 gift card in your name.

Plus, this entire transaction is risk Free

100% Money Back Guarantee

If Androcyn™ Doesn’t Help You Regain Your Sexual Prime, I Will Refund Every Penny

Plus You Keep The $50 Gift Card

Yes, this is 100% serious.

I am fully backing Androcyn™ with a 100% money back guarantee.

Many think this policy is CRAZY. 

On the surface it seems like a really risky idea.
Heck, I thought my board was going to fire me for suggesting.

However, I knows the results of Androcyn™.

They have seen the YEARS of testing.

I have seen what it does for aging men.

... And I know what it has done for me personally.

With this program ALL risk is removed from your shoulders and placed on mine.

Why? Because I know and they know what it is going to do for you.
... And I have watched it change thousands of lives to date. 

I have watched it restore marriages and sexual confidence. 

After 90 Days: If Androcyn™ Does Not Bring You Considerable Benefit GDR Labs™ Will Buy Your Bottle Back, No Questions Asked

... And The $50 Gift Card Is Yours To Keep

To Confirm, Your Androcyn™ order is BACKED with a 100% money back guarantee.

Here is how it works...

After purchase, you will get a full 90 days to use Androcyn™  and feel the life changing results. 

You must use it as directed for the full 90 days, that is the only way to see results.

When you do, it will be life changing , I can say that with TOTAL confidence. 

However, if you don't feel the same, no worries.

After 90 days you can return for ANY reason. 

You are not risking a dime. 

I will buy your inventory back , you are out nothing.

... And here is the crazy part. 

You can keep and use your $50 gift card towards ANY of our other award winning formulas.

Some of which are only being used by elite professional athletes. 

This is like putting $50 in your pocket.  

Try are willing to risk this because they know that you are going to love Androcyn™. 

... Just like I know it. 

You won't want to return it, heck, you will wish you ordered more.
However, it was important for me to see all risk removed. 

I believe in Androcyn™ with everything I have, I have personally seen what it has done for thousands of aging Americans.  

... And you have seen my results

I don't want anything to come in between you and feeling decades younger.  

With that in mind, I want to answer the next logical question.

Why Am I Doing This?

Well, This Is What I Consider An "Ethical Bribe" With Huge Benefits For Both of us...

Your goal, you want to regain your sexual edge ,  while paying a fair price. 

My goal, I want to see Androcyn™ used by millions, changing lives, which will lead to the financial success of GDR Labs™.

... Which means we can continue innovating on the global scale, creating more products like Androcyn™

In this scenario, a huge discount benefits both of us. 

So - By giving you this opportunity I am ethically bribing you to try Androcyn™ with a huge discount.

Frankly, it is a hedged bet.

... And I know you are going to fall in love with it.

Your new confidence will be infectious. 

I Am Personally And Financially Motivated By Your Sex Life Changing From Using Androcyn™, The Results Will Be Undeniable

I know this...

The more and more use Androcyn™, the harder it will be to keep the secret.

Eventually, the word will spread further and further.

My personal and financial satisfaction will come from seeing millions use Androcyn™ , and this is part of that process.

You are in the right place at the right time. 
Now, let me be crystal clear...

You have NO OBLIGATION to me when taking this huge discount. 

I know Androcyn™ will change your sexual life

... And you don't have to tell a soul.

But, I also know that when benefits are this big, you will discuss.
It is human nature... The word will spread.

This will cause those around you will seek out Androcyn™.

... And they will find it for $120 and be willing to pay full price because they know it works. 

This is truly a WIN, WIN for both of us.

Like I said, right place at the right time. 

By Giving You "Factory Direct" Pricing You Will Help Me Show The Power Of Androcyn™ To Other Aging Men

Priced at $47, Androcyn™  is accessible to every person reading this page. 

I want everyone to regain their sexual prime  and spread the word. 

To be clear, this is a no strings attached offer.

You are not obligated to say a word. 

You can take your discount and run. 

There is no "hidden subscription" or weird "gotcha" at the end. 

You get access to a highly discounted bottle of Androcyn™  (Full 30 Day Bottle)

No other requirements past that. 

Plus (as I said above) even after a huge discount, every dollar is guaranteed.

You Only Have One Glaring Risk

By Leaving This Page You Risk Missing Out On The Best Sex Of Your Life...

  • Androcyn™ is considered the "holy grail" of testosterone formulae.
  • Androcyn™ compares directly to synthetic testosterone, without the side effects. 
  • No needles or prescription needed.
  • ​You have watched and read the incredible private use stories from others just like you.
  • Try Androcyn™ before the global release.
  • ​You are accessing a HUGE $73 discount and 100% Money Back guarantee.
  • ​Plus, Get a $50 Gift Card Upon Ordering
  • Androcyn™ is considered the most powerful sexual health formula ever developed.
  • Androcyn™ compares directly to "in clinic" sexual therapy at 1/10th the cost. 
  • No needles or prescription needed.
  • ​Privately tested (with great success) on thousands of aging men.
  • ​Access Androcyn™ before the global release.
  • ​Pre Activated $73 discount and 100% Money Back guarantee.
  • Receive a $50 Gift Card Upon Ordering

... You Risk Nothing And You Keep The $50 Gift Card

 If you aren’t happy you will receive every single penny back and you keep your $50 Gift Card. 
You make out like a bandit. 
However, I know the truth of this situation.
Androcyn™ IS going to work extremely well just like it has for thousands of other men - I personally won't miss a day. 
… And when it DOES work for you, you will feel yourself regaining your sexual prime.

As you read this you are on the brink of the best sex of your life. 
You won’t want to return , you will want to learn how to buy as much as you can (I have seen this over and over).
Yes, you are THAT close to feeling and looking YEARS younger.  

That Is Why Not Giving Androcyn™ A Chance Is Your Biggest Risk Of All. You Have Less Than 0 to Lose...

You risk missing out on feeling more sexually confident than you have in years. 
You risk NEVER AGAIN  experiencing the best sex of your life. 
You risk renewed intimacy with your partner. 
Don't make this mistake , you may regret it forever. 
You are closer than ever to feeling like a young stud again.

Nothing stands in your way. 
No more reading.
No more waiting.
You are one click away...

But, One Last Question...

Are You Ready For The Best  Sex Of Your Life?

If you just said YES, Androcyn™ is one click away (just below).

Remember, your discount is only valid for the next few hours.
… And thousands of other men are reading this same page, our inventory could sell out even sooner. 

Look at the timer above, time is ticking away. 
Right now, there are thousands of other men on this same page clamoring to try Androcyn™ at a huge discount.

They want this sexual advantage.
In fact, look to the bottom left of the screen , all of those notifications are others who have claimed a discounted bottle.
As each moment passes, your window is closing.
At midnight, this page will go dark .
When the clock hits "0" your exclusive access to Androcyn™ goes away. 
This page will not refresh.
Your access and Discount will be 100% gone. 
Don't let that happen.

The secure order form is just below... 

Start Your Journey to BETTER SEX

Androcyn™ Has Helped Over 100,000 Americans Enhance Their Sexual Health

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10 minutes 00 seconds
Your $91 Instant Credit & FREE Global Shipping Has Been Applied!

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*Due to Demand You Are Limited to 6 Discounted Bottles

1 Bottle of Androcyn™ - $120$47
  • Save $73
  • FREE Shipping
  • $50 Gift Card
6 Bottles of Androcyn™ - $720$174
  • Save $546
  • FREE Shipping
  • $50 Gift Card

Shipping Information

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Yes! I Want VIP Order Processing!

Skip The Line: As you know, Androcyn™ is made ON DEMAND, right after you place your order. They are manufactured in the order received. However, for $7.99 you can UPGRADE to VIP Processing and move RIGHT to the front of the line during our fulfillment process. This means your order gets made FIRST and shipped FIRST. This is ideal for those who want their Androcyn™ FIRST. In general, this will cut your processing time by 50% or MORE. ⏰✨"

Your order is estimated to ship by Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Order Summary

Description PRICE
Sample cell
FREE $50 GDR Labs Gift Card $0.00
FREE Global Shipping $0.00

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One-Time Charge

** Charges Will Appear as GDR Labs **

*Completing the form above and clicking the "Complete Purchase" button indicates your acknowledgment of the stated amount.

This Order is Covered By Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

Today we are backing your order with a 100% Money Back Guarantee . It is simple: if you do not like the product for any reason, you can return it within 90 days for a 100% Full Refund
Complete your order and rest easy knowing your purchase is secure!
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health and physical condition. Results shown are not typical and you may not get the same benefits. However, by taking the supplement and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise, you give yourself the best chance at staying healthy and fighting off premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is provided with healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. Individual results will vary and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and nutraceutical inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products but compensated for use of his various nutraceutical ingredient manufacturing patents.

By entering your phone number you agree that we may send you text notifications and text marketing offers. If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving text marketing messages and notifications reply with STOP to any mobile message sent from us. You understand and agree that alternative methods of opting out, such as using alternative words or requests will not be accounted as a reasonable means of opting out. Message and data rates may apply.

GDR Labs, LLC. 1360 Union Hill Road, Building 11 (A & B) Alpharetta, GA 30004

Click Here To Try Androcyn™ For Less Than $2 Per DAyPlus Free Shipping & Free $50 Gift Card
