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JUST $120 $29 per bottle

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Liponine™ Has Helped Over 35,000 Americans Achieve Perfect Blood Sugar Levels Regardless of Age Or Health Stats

Plus FREE Shipping (And a FREE $50 Gift Card)
"My sugar cravings vanished and results are coming faster. Liponine is a game changer for me" Dr. Steve Turley

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Here is $91 To Try Pain Relieving Conolidine 

(Plus Get a Free $50 Gift Card)

... And 100% Money Back Guarantee

I know there is a lot of information on this page. So, let me get right to the point.

Conolidine (Nature's Morphine) is the most potent natural pain killer in human history.

I t is backed by 11 years of ground breaking research and a 33,000 person clinical trial.

It is the only substance in the world that works by re - activating your flow of internal pain killers called Endorphins.

This re-activation works at any age, within days.

Endorphins are 50X the power of morphine and do not yield a single side effect.

Here is what that means for you...
  • Safe, "Morphine Like" Relief Daily
  • ​No Side Effects Or Addiction Risk
  • No Doctors or Expensive Prescriptions
  • 100% Certified Drug Free
  • ​100% Money Back Guarantee
This is a huge opportunity, On this page you can try ground breaking Conolidine for pennies on the dollar with no risk.

You can instantly try Conolidine Risk Free until the clock hits "0".

Try Conolidine For Only  $120  $29

Plus Get a $50 Gift Card, FREE Shipping & 100% Money Back Guarantee


  • Most Potent Blood Sugar Solution In The World
  • Save $91 Instant Instantly, Try Risk Free
  • Extensively Tested (35,000+ participants)
  • Sublingual (Near 100% Absorption)
  • See Benefits In Just Days
  • $50 Gift Card Upon Checkout
  • Ships FREE Worldwide

  Try 100% Risk Free & Receive $50 GDR Labs Gift Card

On this page you can try Liponine™ 100% Risk Free . Try it for a full 90 days and if it does not help you like it has thousands of others you can return it for a full refund. Plus, you get keep the $50 gift card activated at purchase.

To Date, LIPONINE Has Helped Over 100,000 Americans...

Below Are Just A Fraction Of Those Stories In Video and Written Format, Make Sure You Read Them All

Briana Scranton

  Verified User

The GDRLABs Liponine product does 100% help with my normally high blood sugar. Based on my one-month use, I am noticebly lower and healthier than normal. Plus, I am losing weight. So, I'll continue using Liponine and gather more data. As for taste, it very good for me. I like the spicy citrus tang of the blend. Definitely the best tasting supplement I've tried.In all, it is an excellent product. I also am using the Nutra IGF product, and can feel and increased mental and physical energy. This is a product I will definitely continue to use!

Donald Sanderson

  Verified User

I take 4 different products of GDR Labs and get great results from them. My blood sugar is down to regular now from the Liponine and the conolidine really helps with my back pain. I don’t like meds and this is my saving grace. Heck, I have lost nearly 40 pounds!! 

Lucy G.

  Verified User

I am thrilled and amazed with the fast results of Liponine. After having two heart attacks I started with supplements as I do not take meds. My blood sugar started to rise so I ordered Liponine and after one day, my blood sugar was nearly normal, I was shocked, couldn't believe it. I ordered more. The following day I took 1/2 of a dropper and it was still very good. I just received my three bottles of Skin Refresh, just started using it, but going by the other product, I am sure I will be amazed with the results. Also ordered Chloromax, excited to see the results for all the products. They definately are what you claim.Thank you and God Bless!

Ernie B 

  Verified User

I take Liponine to keep my blood sugar down and shed pound. My journey all started with the Nutra IGF and Neurotol and after trying them for a week I ordered the Pure Peptide and Carditrol. Very happy with the results so far - They woking better than my normal medications.

Jonathan D

  Verified User

I decided to try GDR products because of the sub lingual delivery method. I first tried Liponine and it worked in days. Then I tried Juverin+ which was also highly effective. Success, combined with great customer service and I am convinced that GDR Labs has a good thing going.

Linda Hutchinson 

  Verified User

I am so glad I was introduced to Liponine as I can have a normal active life without nerve pain in my left foot. My blood sugar numbers have never been better and I am down nearly 30 pounds. 

Clint Winters

  Verified User

It took away my cravings, helped me lose over 100 pounds, and boosted my metabolism so that I was burning 20% more calories a day, and not adding extra fat anymore.

The Berberine in Liponine™ is a HUGE advantage to controlling sugar intake and dropping pounds.

I urge you to tell your family or anyone who needs this in their life.

Most FRequently Asked Questions

How Does Liponine Actually Work?
Liponine is considered the most powerful blood sugar management formula in the world.

It features highly concentrated liquid berberine which has been heavily studied for it's ability naturally normalize blood sugar. 

Traditional blood sugar drugs like Ozempic and Metformin work by artificially mimicing GLP-1, tricking your body into releasing insulin. 

Liponine works by naturally optimzing your GLP-1 allowing for a safe release of insulin without dependency. 

With your GLP-1 hormones firing properly, your body is able to naturally normalize your blood sugar levels while increasing metabolism. 

Only one catch, you have to use it daily to keep your GLP-1 maximized. 
How Do Use Oral Liponine For Maximum Benefit?

You must use daily!

Liponine will NOT work as well if you don't use is consistently. 

You must use it daily for the alkaloids to build up in your system, promoting healthy blood sugar. 

I have seen results happen as fast a day 1, to taking a few weeks for optimizing performance. Just keep using it daily until results kick in. 

The actual "use" portion is simple.

You place the liquid serving size (on the label) in your mouth, under your tongue where you will hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

This will allow the alkaloids to absorb into the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue.

After holding, simply swallow it down. 
Will Liponine Make Me Feel Drugged Up?

Actually, many report feeling a sense of well being - energized, focused and ready for the day after their daily serving.
Can I Use Liponine More Than Once Daily?
Yes, however the 30 day serving size is based on one daily use.

However, some users have had success with using Liponine before each meal.
Is Liponine Legal?
Yes, Liponine is legal in all 50 states and every country in the world. You can use and travel with it anywhere.
Will Liponine Show up on a Drug Test?
No. Liponine is 100% Drug Free Certified. It has been tested against a panel of 400 banned substances. Liponine is suitable to be used by professional athletes. 
Is Liponine Really Better Than Metform and Ozempic?
I can answer with clinical data.

Firstly,  it is a heck of a lot safer than any pharmaceutical.

Secondly, the effectiveness has also been heavily researched and tested. 

In fact, scientists tested the main ingredient of liponine (berberine) DIRECTLY against metformin in a clinical analysis and berberine outperformed metformin while providing additional health benefits. 

To date, there is over 14,000 pages of clinical research surrounding the effectivness of berberine. 

GDR Labs has also privately tested Lipoine on over 50,000 users with exceptional results (Over 90% reported blood sugar benefits).
Will Liponine Also Help Accelerate Fat Loss?
Yes, Liponine has been shown to help convert white (bad) fat to brown (good) fat.

Brown fat is considrered the "master metabolic switch" and will help the body naturally burn more body fat.

Liponine also contains a small amount of green tea extract which also aids in fat loss.

User results have also backed this up with success with many reporting fat loss benefits. 
How Does Liponine Taste?
Full disclosure: Liponine was developed PURELY as a powerful blood sugar management product with effectiveness being the driver. 

It will have a bit of a "spicy" taste as one of the absorption accelerators is black pepper extract.

GDR Labs has added natural flavoring to aid in the taste but you won't find it "candy" delicious.

With that said the taste has received positive feedback and the entire point is powerful (and safe) blood sugar management. 
When Should I Take Liponine?
Liponine is daily use and can be taken any time throughout the day. However, it does contain a small amount of natural caffeine for green tea extract

However, once you establish your schedule you will want to try to take it the same time daily so it absorbs and builds evenly in your system.

Users have supplemented day or night with excellent results. 

Use in a way that you will remember, and ensure you take it daily. 
Can I Use Liponine With Other Health Conditions?
Firstly, I am not a medical doctor and cannot make health recommendations.

However, the main ingredients in Liponine have been certified safe and free of side effects. 
Can I Use Liponine With Other Blood Sugar Management Protocols?
I cannot give medical advice.

With that said, Liponine is drug free certified so it will not show up on the drug screenings conducted by medical professionals.

Furthermore, many Liponine users have experienced success in using liponine with traditional blood sugar management.

However, please consult your doctor before you use it with a blood sugar medication as the combination may be too powerful. 
Do I Need High Blood Sugar To Use Liponine?
Absolutely not. 

Think of it like this... you supplement other parts of the body to fight issues that could come in the future - heart, brain, immune system, etc.

Liponine promotes your ability to naturally normalize blood sugar. 

Use it daily to regulate your release of insulin and enhance your metabolism. 

Finally, the ingredients in Liponine has been shown to be extremely heart healthy.
Will Liponine Actually Work For Me?
Results will vary from person to person, as with all drugs and supplements.

However, the scientific findings and private testing have shown over a 90% success rate in normalizing blood sugar. 

The results speak for themselves. 
Is Liponine FDA Approved?
Any supplement that claims "FDA Approved" is a scam. 

Only pharmaceuticals can achieve full FDA approval.

However, Liponine is produced by GDR Labs where it is American made in an FDA audited facility per GMP standards.
What if Liponine Doesn't Work?
You are able to try Liponine with no risk for 90 days which is plenty of time for you to fall in love with it. 

If it doesn't bring powerful blood sugar and fat loss beneifts GDR Labs will allow you to return for a full refund, no questions asked. 
Where Is Liponine Made?
Liponine is 100% American made. 

Liponine is exclusively manufactured and distributed by GDR Labs.

All of their product is fully produced in their FDA audited Atlanta, Georgia facility.
Will I "Feel" it Working?
The "Feel" of Liponine is highly personal.

Some users don't feel anything right away. 

Others feel nearly an immediate sense of well being and less appetite.  

The feel of Liponine has been compared to turning down the heat on a stove. 
Does Liponine Have Any Concerning Drug Interactions?
I cannot give medical advice and all users have different drug combinations at play.

However, none of the ingredients in Liponine have been shown to have negative drug interactions.

Please consult your doctor if you are using it with a blood sugar pharmaceutical. 
Seriously, What Are The Side Effects of Liponine?
All ingredients in Liponine have been verified as side effect free. 

Additionally, GDR Labs has not reported any side effects over nearly five years of testing. 
Is Liponine Crazy Expensive?
No. Liponine is a very affordable way to safely manage blood sugar. 

As you will read it is priced well below other blood sugar protocols of same potency (with far more side effect potential). 

Part of my development goal was to ensure it was affordable for the average American consumer.
Hit Me Straight, What Are The Negatives of using Liponine?
Firstly, as mentioned above, Liponine was not formulated for taste, you may not find it "tasty" to use daily. 

Secondly, it is made to build in your system so it may take a few days to a few weeks for you to see maximized benefit (which is why you have 90 days to try it).

Again, you use it daily, even 

Thirdly,  you will have to keep using to keep benefit, if you stop your results will wind down and eventually be lost. 

Start Your Journey to PERFECT BLOOD SUGAR

Liponine Has Helped Over 100,000 Americans Exceed Their Blood Sugar & Weight Loss Goals...

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6 Bottles of Liponine™ - $720$174
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Since 2011 we have offered the strongest 100% Money-Back Guarantee in the health industry. It is simple, if you do not like the product for any reason you can return it within 90 days for a 100% Full Refund. We give you a Full 90 days so you can get a chance to experience FULL USE of the product before you have to make a decision. 

Complete Your Order And Rest Easy Knowing Your Purchase Is Secure!


All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health and physical condition. Results shown are not typical and you may not get the same benefits. However, by taking the supplement and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise, you give yourself the best chance at staying healthy and fighting off premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is provided with healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. Individual results will vary and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and nutraceutical inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products but compensated for use of his various nutraceutical ingredient manufacturing patents.

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GameDay Ready Labs, LLC. 1360 Union Hill Road, Building 11 (A & B) Alpharetta, GA 30004
